We used to sing a Kirk Franklin song called “Lovely Day.” The song is about being down and not feeling good, but there is a new day, lovely day, because we’re going to be with God. We sing that song, sometimes at our church, ...
"In the most calm voice Melinda said, “Jesus.” She wasn't even looking at us but out toward the station."
I know now that whatever dad has done in the past, he’s just as human as I am. Whatever my mom has done in the past, she’s just as human as I am. So there’s no reason to walk around with hate and anger towards them; withholdi...
My name is Dr. Nikki Velasco. I am an Assistant Professor of Research Methods and Statistics. I was raised by a single mom, not from the United States, who has been married many times and has some sad patterns when it comes t...
"While I thought that they were special things, my husband at the time found that journal and thought it was really weird, really strange, and told me that I was really weird."
"I never realized the God that they serve is not the biblical God. The reason I didn’t realize it is because, as a Mormon, I never read the word of God."
That’s where Al Capone would take his people that were not faithful and dump them. Not far from where my church was.
I was the sixth of seven children. I was molested from the time I was two or three years old until I was six or seven.
I Got out of my truck and walked towards the shack. As I stepped up to the door it opened about an inch, and a double barrel shotgun stuck out of the door. At about that time I wondered if God knew what he was doing.
But I couldn’t escape the idea that suicide would be a good escape. It was like I was holding on the casket of my wife, and as morbid as it sounds was like I was being buried. I remember picturing myself breaking my grip with...