I know now that whatever dad has done in the past, he’s just as human as I am. Whatever my mom has done in the past, she’s just as human as I am. So there’s no reason to walk around with hate and anger towards them; withholdi...
Where I’d prayed for everyone else for so long... I had ignored the fact that I did need God.
"I was the girl on top of the bar with money being put on me, not remembering any of it the next morning."
Carrie prostituted herself for drugs. As a registered nurse, educated and articulate, she never expected to go so low.
I was so hungry for affirmation as a woman that there was a lot of short term relationships.
Then God said, “Trust me. You don’t have to trust him. Just trust me.” I said, “OK.” So I turned Lonnie over to the Lord and said, “OK God, I trust you. I’m gonna move forward.”
When God spoke to me I left my career to be a stay-at-home mom. I left all the glitz and glamour and all the supposedly wonderful things. I started completely over, but with God in my heart this time.
I had a big head and a big attitude to go along with it. I had the house, cars, the boat; the middle class dream. All of a sudden I started making some real bad choices.
By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;
"I really wanted to call him and say, “I’m sorry for what I had done.” Months earlier if you’d asked me I wouldn’t have admitted to have done anything wrong."