Find Hope

My unspeakable abuse now helps other women.

Diane W

I made a choice. That day a healing process started in my life. Now I can look back and say, “Wow.

Assaulted four with a knife, but a prison friend modeled a better way.

Matt H

Really, I wanted to die. I was doing all the things that were killing me anyway. I had so much pain, hurt, and hatred I didn’t know how to process any of it.

Five divorces by age thirty.


By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;

He loved me through the sexual abuse—then suddenly died.


One day he brought a friend with him to also have sex with me. I then realized he didn’t love me. He just thought he could use me and get sex from me.

Social services removed me from our home.


My brothers and I were separated. When we came back together in our parents home it wasn’t any better. There was still a lot of abuse going on, so I moved back out the spring semester my senior year.

This mean and angry atheist switched sides.


"I thought Jesus was the king of the cartoon network."

Healed from the secret life that started at age 13 .


"I would take off and stay gone for days."

A man with eight kids wept when I asked him to adopt me.

Joe M.

“My whole entire life I was looking for someone to teach me how to be a man."

Married at 17 and 15, we have overcome so much.


"We began to grow in the Lord rapidly and He began to restore our marriage."

Cry for the Broken


"It was a long progression into the hell on earth that I had created for myself. The road trip back was nothing."