Find Hope

Chose life for the baby from my foster father.

Rose and Chris

When I was twelve the Lord woke me up one night and instructed me to pray for my future wife whom I had never met.

Confused kid. Part of me enjoyed the sexual abuse.

Josh S

I remember of walking on a bridge in New York City, hearing an evil presence. As I looked over the edge of the bridge I heard a voice say, “Jump. It’ll be all over.”

Date-raped. Pregnant.


"He did cross the line, and I became a victim of what we now know as date rape. Thirty years ago that's really not what it was called. Since I did go into the bedroom with the guy, I blamed myself for many years..."

My unspeakable abuse now helps other women.

Diane W

I made a choice. That day a healing process started in my life. Now I can look back and say, “Wow.

Five divorces by age thirty.


By the time I was thirty I had experienced five failed marriages. I felt like I could do nothing right;

Drugged and gang raped, but found healing and hope.


Then they gang raped me. I came close to dying that night.

Healed from the secret life that started at age 13 .


"I would take off and stay gone for days."

Finally free from being drugged and gang raped.


"They kept whispering back and forth and acting weird. They were all laughing."

Cry for the Broken


"It was a long progression into the hell on earth that I had created for myself. The road trip back was nothing."