Find Hope

Girls, drugs, and new pickup truck.

James D.

She came home and said, “I wrecked your truck today.” Of course, I jumped off the deep end and immediately wanted to go reach for a beer and some drugs to drown out the emotions.

Shacked up at 14, but now we lead marriage classes.


"I was raised in the church. But through my teenage years, I got a little wild and did things I shouldn’t have done."

Lost my house, job and BMW when I sampled a little something to ease the pain.


Within four weeks, I had lost my husband, my house, my job.

Met my Dad when I was eight.


"So, by eighteen I was addicted to meth."

Not Ashamed to be a janitor.


I’m cool with being a janitor right now. I don’t know about the rest of my life.

This mean and angry atheist switched sides.


"I thought Jesus was the king of the cartoon network."

Running the L.A. Dodgers means nothing if my son is dead.

Kevin Malone

"I had a team to help win a championship. I felt like there were more important things, unfortunately [than my son]. When I say that now, it makes me sick to my stomach."

Healed from the secret life that started at age 13 .


"I would take off and stay gone for days."

Thought partying would make me happy.


"I had an ankle bracelet put on and I couldn’t drink. That year was the greatest year of my life"

My Dad was the Evel Knievel of the neighborhood.


I remember early as a boy he would come into our neighborhood in a trailer park where I lived in Gainesville, Florida riding a Harley on a wheelie.