I was moving around twenty, thirty, sometimes forty pounds of marijuana a month. I was eighteen years old. I had money. I had friends.
"In the most calm voice Melinda said, “Jesus.” She wasn't even looking at us but out toward the station."
By the time I was nineteen, I was extremely bitter, angry, volatile … violent. I had become a kleptomaniac I was addicted to stealing everything around me. I was heavily on drugs and had really pushed everybody out of ...
When I was about twelve or thirteen years old I heard my grandfather say, “The only good white man is a dead one.”
Johnny's Family disowned him. He felt "snakes" enter his stomach after hooking up with the 666 tattoo woman. The jail preacher, unaware, pointed at his stomach. "You are released from that curse!" he said. Johnny could finall...
We were in a chase, and the police shot into a truck I was in. So called Witnesses “saw” me hanging out the window shooting at the police. None of that was the truth. We had shot at a stop sign. We had been on a beer run, and...
I had never prostituted before and I was going to go down there for the first time and do it.
That’s where Al Capone would take his people that were not faithful and dump them. Not far from where my church was.
It was eleven o'clock in the morning, and my blood alcohol level was twice the legal limit for the State of Tennessee. My ten-year-old daughter was in the front with me, and she escaped serious physical injury, but her emotio...
By the time I got to the jail I was already ready to hear the gospel. I didn’t know what it was. I didn’t know who. I didn’t know about this whole thing of being born again. I had heard about it, but I had never really inquir...